About Enlaza Mexico

Cinco Panes y Dos Peces, A.C. (CIPAN) is a nonprofit organization incorporated under the Mexican Law, committed with a personal, regional and social development within a framework of human rights and respect for diversity.

This Association promotes community development from a working model that supports all kind of processes and self-management in the highlands of Mexico.

“Enlaza Mexico”, one of CIPAN programs, promotes the creation of a social network where local leaders are strengthened; this program is based on three components: equipping communities with radio equipment of two-way capacity, the development of the skills of local leaders as promoters of risk prevention and finally the link between communities, local authorities and civil protection units.  

The construction of citizenship, the generation of social capital, respect for customs, organizing brigades to address the potential risks and hazards caused by the force of nature, food security in case of disasters, the commercial trade without abuse of intermediaries, the formation of social fabric through groups or cooperatives that favor processes of economic and productive development, reports of robberies and assaults as well for deforestation, is allowing this program to be considered as a successful initiative, with the possibility of being replicated in various states of the Mexican Republic. 

Without this intervention, the communities will still lack the means to coordinate actions, not only in emergencies but hindering the advancement of its comprehensive and productive development, increasing migration, social and environmental vulnerability. 

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